Visiting Information

  • Look for accommodation a lot in advance, it may be difficult otherwise: Housing tips
  • Telecom SudParis is located in two campuses: in Evry and Palaiseau
    • Understand where it is convenient to find accommodation in order to reach one of them easily.
  • French Language: send an email to Katherine Maillet (, Audrey Stavrevitch ( and Stephanie MARMION (, CC-ing me, as soon as possible, saying that you want to attend French courses and specifying (i) your situation (internship, Erasmus, visiting PhD) (ii) your period of stay (iii) whether your based in Évry or Palaiseau
  • Check the information for International students at Telecom SudParis and in the booklet
  • You may be asked a legal liability insurance. One option is to subscribe to assistance-etudiant. One other option is to subscribe to Matmut insurance (it should be below 25 EUR for 6 months; if it is more expensive, do not do it and contact me)
  • Request the CAF to get about 100 EUR/month from French government.
  • Transportation:
    • Plan your trips with two smartphone apps: CityMapper or RATP
    • If you buy a pass for one month or more, like Navigo or ImagineR, Telecom SudParis will refund you half. To get the reimbursement, fill this form, together with the receipt of your pass to and
  • Social and cultural life:
    • If you are under 26, museums are all for free!
    • A nice website to participate to activities with other people is Meetup.