Running networking labs over Kubernetes with Antidote

I’ve just come across Antidote a recent project that intends at running networking-oriented labs over Kubernetes. It is developped by members of the Network Reliability Engineering community (Juniper-related, AFAIU), to power the NRE Labs platform.

It looks very similar to other platforms that allow you to run labs remotely in consoles opened on cloud machines, alongside lab instructions.

I find it interesting as the code is published under FLOSS license (Apache), and seems to be runable over any Kubernetes installation: you can test it with Minikube through the selfmedicate repo.

Antidote demo running virtual labs in Kubernetes with selfmedicate/minikube, running locally from Olivier Berger on Vimeo.

Internally, it uses Guacamole to provide the Web consoles connected via SSH to the hosts (or emulated devices) running on the k8s cluster. Each learner will get her own k8s namespace running the corresponding PODs.

In principle, it’s rather easy to package any app that can be used from the CLI to run it over Antidote.

The main drawback I’ve found so far, wrt our experiments with virtual labs, is the limitation to SSH access for a CLI: the Guacamole setup doesn’t provide access to VNC, AFAICS (yet).

Quite interesting and promising project anyway.