Intervention au prochain séminaire IRILL : Bug tracking à grande échelle et interopérabilité des outils de développement dans l’écosystème FLOSS

Je suis intervenu au séminaire Logiciel Libre et Programmation de l’IRILL, le jeudi 09/06 à 15h45.

Titre de l’exposé : Bug tracking à grande échelle et interopérabilité des outils de développement dans l’écosystème FLOSS

Résumé :

L’écosystème du logiciel libre (FLOSS) est caractérisé par un développement extrèmement décentralisé, avec de multiples canaux de production et de distribution décorellés, et des processus d’assurance qualité qui doivent donc prendre en compte ces aspects.

Dans cet ensemble de processus d’Assurance Qualité, nous détailerons le volet du suivi des rapports de bugs, en présentant quelques pistes de standardisation et des mécanismes d’interopérabilité (comme le standard OSLC).

Il reste encore de nombreux efforts d’implémentation à conduire, mais avec un espoir concret à lé clé de permettre la réalisation de nouveaux outils, basés sur l’approche Linked Data, permettant un suivi des rapports de bugs à grande échelle.

Toutes les informations concernant ce séminaire sont sur :

Update : les transparents de l’intervention sont en ligne (PDF 4 Mo).

Qu’est-ce que OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) ?

Ce qui suit est une traduction en français que j’ai réalisée pour les sections d’introduction aux spécifications d’OSLC Core. Je pense qu’elles donnent quelques informations générales sur ce qu’est le standard OSLC, qui seront éventuellement utiles aux non-anglophones. Bien-sûr cette traduction ne se substitue pas à l’original, et est limitée aux paragraphes d’introduction, le détail des specs étant à lire en anglais dans le texte.


L’initiative « Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration » (OSLC) crée une famille de spécifications de services web pour des produits, services et autres outils qui soutiennent toutes les phases du cycle de vie des logiciels et produits. Continue reading “Qu’est-ce que OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) ?”

My report after the BOF on distributed bugtrackers at DebConf

Here are my notes about the very insteresting BOF on distributed bugtrackers held at DebConf

This is just some elements of report (some taken from the gobby edits, and written down by me after watching the video (unfortunately missing 2 mins of sound in the beginning of the video stream/recording)). This is not a full report of all the discussions, as some discussed elements weren’t of interest IMHO.

You’ll find here many ideas of mine, links and pointers (resulting of our work in the context of the Helios project on similar topics), so this is in no way a report of what was said exactly during the BOF.

Continue reading “My report after the BOF on distributed bugtrackers at DebConf”

LD2SD, Helios and Linked Data / SemWeb extracted from development forges

We have received a visitor from DERI last week (PhD student Aftab Iqbal) who’s researching integration of facts about software development tools into Linked Data in order to provide interesting “semantic mashups” of data into IDEs like Eclipse (see his slides). Quite interesting is the choice of ontologies and the results integrated in an Eclipse plugin made available to developers.

This approach is quite similar to the one we practice in the core of the Helios platform (still under development) to integrate data coming from different FLOSS ALM tools in order to create dashboards offering a consolidated view of software (maintenance) process.
Maybe the difference is that Helios does this internally inside a “self-contained” platform whereas the potential of LD2SD presented by Aftab is to do the same on the Web of Linked Data.

Also, in Helios, there are other contributions made for the Mandriva distribution (with links with projects like Scribo and Nepomuk to which Mandriva is also participating) in the form of the, in order to aggregate, this time, not facts at the “project” level, but for a meta-project (a GNU/Linux distribution) that are quite interesting. See Stéphane Laurière’s slides for details.

We’re also experimenting in the frame of the COCLICO project on producing RDFa data about software development projects hosted in FusionForge instances. (see our progress tracked through this FusionForge feature request). First candidates are project’s DOAP profiles and developer’s FOAF ones, and lots of SIOC to glue it all, and of course other informations relating to a Forge ontology that we’re proposing in COCLICO.

With recent announcements that Mylyn is investing a lot in OSLC, and OSLC being based on RDF, and the advent of the Semantic Desktop starting to emerge (in KDE mainly) on top of Nepomuk, this brings great promises for a great Semantic future.

Triplification / RDF extraction for bugzillas and for Debian bugs

To summarize some ideas and try and promote the work we’ve done in the frame of Helios, we’ve submitted a short paper (PDF) to the triplification challenge.

Alas, others had better projects, and we didn’t win, apparently. Still, we’ll continue to work beyond these initial demonstrators, in order to try and push for a standard of interchange of “facts” / meta-data about bugs, for instance as RDF using the EvoOnt BOM ontology plus our extensions.

The paper describes the 2 first demonstrators that we’ve setup (and for which I previously blogged) : one for the triplification of bugzilla, and one for the triplification about Debian bugs, using UDD to do so.

Abstract: To interconnect bugtrackers, and especially the one used to manage free
software projects, one need tools to convert their custom format to a common interop-
erable form. We, in the context of the Helios project, are working on refining existing
ontologies to describe bugs from the most used bugtrackers in open source software. We
propose two prototypes for review, based on triplify and EvoOnt BOM, which export
bugs from bugzilla installations and Debian’s UDD in the form of RDF triples.

Read the rest in “Bugtrackers triplification” (PDF)