LD2SD, Helios and Linked Data / SemWeb extracted from development forges

We have received a visitor from DERI last week (PhD student Aftab Iqbal) who’s researching integration of facts about software development tools into Linked Data in order to provide interesting “semantic mashups” of data into IDEs like Eclipse (see his slides). Quite interesting is the choice of ontologies and the results integrated in an Eclipse plugin made available to developers.

This approach is quite similar to the one we practice in the core of the Helios platform (still under development) to integrate data coming from different FLOSS ALM tools in order to create dashboards offering a consolidated view of software (maintenance) process.
Maybe the difference is that Helios does this internally inside a “self-contained” platform whereas the potential of LD2SD presented by Aftab is to do the same on the Web of Linked Data.

Also, in Helios, there are other contributions made for the Mandriva distribution (with links with projects like Scribo and Nepomuk to which Mandriva is also participating) in the form of the doc4.mandriva.org, in order to aggregate, this time, not facts at the “project” level, but for a meta-project (a GNU/Linux distribution) that are quite interesting. See Stéphane Laurière’s slides for details.

We’re also experimenting in the frame of the COCLICO project on producing RDFa data about software development projects hosted in FusionForge instances. (see our progress tracked through this FusionForge feature request). First candidates are project’s DOAP profiles and developer’s FOAF ones, and lots of SIOC to glue it all, and of course other informations relating to a Forge ontology that we’re proposing in COCLICO.

With recent announcements that Mylyn is investing a lot in OSLC, and OSLC being based on RDF, and the advent of the Semantic Desktop starting to emerge (in KDE mainly) on top of Nepomuk, this brings great promises for a great Semantic future.

UDD export as RDF data through D2R and a corresponding mapping definition

(this is a copy of a post I made on the debian-qa list)

I’ve been pursuing previous ideas about the use of Semantic Web standards for publication of facts about Debian using the UDD database as a source.

FYI, I have a running prototype (unfortunately only on my laptop at the moment, hopefully on the Web some day soon) which uses D2R, a server which can publish RDBMS tables as RDF documents, using a mapping description.
Continue reading “UDD export as RDF data through D2R and a corresponding mapping definition”

Paper accepted at WoPDaSD 2008 : “Improving community awareness in software forges by semantical aggregation of tools feeds”

We (Vu, Christian, Sang and me) have written a paper which was accepted for the fore-coming WoPDaSD 2008 workshop (3nd International Workshop on Public Data about Software Development), later this year in Milano.

Here’s the abstract :

Improving community awareness in software forges by
semantical aggregation of tools feeds

It is rather difficult to monitor or visualize what can be the
contribution of a member in a project, especially when the
project uses multiple tools to produce its results. This is the case
for collaborative development of FLOSS software, that use Wiki,
bug tracker, mailing lists and source code management tools.
This paper presents an approach to data collection by using
aggregation of feeds published by the different tools of a software
forge. To allow this aggregation, collected data is semantically
reformatted into Semantic Web standards: RDF, DC, DOAP, and
FOAF. Resulting data can then be processed, republished or
displayed to project members. We implemented this approach in a
supervision module that has been integrated into the PicoForge
platform. This module is able do draw a live graph of the social
community out of the different sources of data, and in turn export
semantic feeds for other uses.

I hope we will be able to confront this approach to others’ in order to see if this is a valid strategy to enhance the use of the forges and better interoperate between tools.

Update 2008/09/10 : the paper is now online.

… and the slides are now online on the workshop site, or bellow :