Hocine OUHADDI, Patrick HORAIN
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Tracking 3D hand gestures with only one video camera and no marker on the hand.

Our approach

Gesture tracking by registration of a 3D articulated model with anthropometrical and biomechanical constraints.
The model is initially adjusted to the operator's morphology on an image of the hand opened and perpendicular to the camera axis.
Finger extraction by morphological filtering and labelling.
Then it is registred with the image sequence. Its parameters (global position and orientation + joint angles) are evaluated by minimizing the difference between the silhoutette in the image and the silhouette of the projected 3D model. Biomechanical constraints are integrated in the optimisation process.
Model registration

Example results

Hand translations : MPEG (272 kB).
Abductions & aductions :  MPEG (519 kB).
Flexions & extensions :  MPEG (232 kB), MPEG (262 kB), MPEG (295 kB).

Target applications


Last update on June 21, 1999.