Qu’est-ce que OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) ?

Ce qui suit est une traduction en français que j’ai réalisée pour les sections d’introduction aux spécifications d’OSLC Core. Je pense qu’elles donnent quelques informations générales sur ce qu’est le standard OSLC, qui seront éventuellement utiles aux non-anglophones. Bien-sûr cette traduction ne se substitue pas à l’original, et est limitée aux paragraphes d’introduction, le détail des specs étant à lire en anglais dans le texte.


L’initiative « Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration » (OSLC) crée une famille de spécifications de services web pour des produits, services et autres outils qui soutiennent toutes les phases du cycle de vie des logiciels et produits. Continue reading “Qu’est-ce que OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) ?”

Report about the forges track held under the Session ‘Development’ at the RMLL 2010 (3/4)

This is the third part of the report from the recent RMLL/LSM 2010 “Development” technical track (see links to previous parts at the bottom of this post)

This part deals with the forges afternoon that took place on the 7th, co-authored with my colleague Madhumita Dhar (who’s also working on the COCLICO project).
Continue reading “Report about the forges track held under the Session ‘Development’ at the RMLL 2010 (3/4)”

New inter-forges discussion list on planetforge.org

You work on developing a software forge, you’re an admin for a software forge, or a project administrator.

Join us and discuss (in english) forge matters on discussions@planetforge.org, to try and improve communication, sharing, reuse and interoperability among various hosting platforms, and collaborative development tools.

You may prefer joining the PlanetForge RSS aggregator if you blog about forges (feel free to add it to your preferred RSS reader).

Working on standard forge exchange format

As part of COCLICO, we’re working on an exchange format for forges, that should help dump, restore, export and import from different software forges.

There are various use cases for this, like moving a project from one forge to another, but also as backup/restore feature for forge admins. More about the rationale here.

We’d like this format to be a standard some day, so it should have good properties so that it’s generic enough and at the same time easy to adopt. Thus it would be relatively easy to contribute new exporters or importers to an framework (for which we’ll implement basic core tools), while having a long-lasting format that can still be used in the future.

A lot of work ahead of us, and this is just a short notice in case you’re interested and you’d like to know more 😉

Stay tuned, and if interested, join discussions@planetforge.org to discuss this topic.

P.S.: yes, it’s a rebirth of CoopX, somehow (see the coopx tag in my blog for more details)

Forges meeting report (COCLICO + fusionforge + codendi + others)

I’ve just returned from a 2 days public meeting (plus 1 COCLICO internal meeting) held in Issy-Les-Moulineaux at Orange R&D about forges.

The meeting was organised by the COCLICO partners and welcomed the first FusionForge meeting, as well as other interested forges developers and users from Codendi, novaforge, nforge, sourcesup, etc.

The generic content was a mix of informal discussions, and technical presentations (and debates) in order to try and improve collaboration and interoperability among these forges. A proposal that has emerged from the discussions is to try and use more than today the PlanetForge RSS agregator and wiki (and lists), as an open community gathering people from various forges, in order to improve shared knowledge, inform of ongoing developments and more generally favour collaboration of tools.

On FusionForge side, there were many more precise discussions on topics like roadmap, organization, release, quality process, governance, marketing, contributions, packaging, etc.

There will probably be more detailed reports, but I should express my thanks to all those who came (sometimes from abroad, like Korea and Germany) to make this a very fruitful meeting.

We intend to held such meetings every now and then, and maybe at the beginning of the summer, still under the umbrella of the COCLICO project, but probably organized more around PlanetForge.org.

I hope this will have a positive impact on the dynamics and collaboration between projects, and on the global forges ecosystem in the future. See you next time.