Conférence “OSLC : standard ouvert pour l’interopérabilité des outils ALM open source” le 11 mai à Solutions Linux

Nous interviendrons à Solutions Linux le 11 mai (15h10 – 15h40), pour parler d'”OSLC : standard ouvert pour l’interopérabilité des outils ALM open source“, où nous ferons un retour d’expérience sur les travaux menés dans le projet COCLICO autour d’OSLC.

Venez nombreux 🙂

Plus de détails : Programme des conférences Cloud / Virtualisation / Interopérabilité

Update 11/05/2011 : transparents mis en ligne (PDF). Le screencast de la démo d’intégration de FusionForge et Jenkins via OSLC-CM est aussi en ligne.

Jenkins + FusionForge trackers integration with OSLC delegated creation dialog from Olivier Berger on Vimeo.

Integrating JUnit tests inside a PHPUnit+Selenium test suite

I’ve spent some time recently integrating the OSLC open source test suite (from the OSLC open source support project)into the FusionForge test suite.

FusionForge‘s test suite uses PHPUnit to drive Selenium (RC) “end user” like tests. Selenium is a tool that makes such tests possible by piloting an instance of FireFox browsing the Web interface of the forge, in a controlled environment.

The OSLC test suite consists in a series of JUnit tests, which is driven by Maven (initially started from inside Eclipse, then also from command-line after I found the nasty command line parameters and changes in the pom.xml file that were required ;).

The whole of the test suite may not pass for our implementation of OSLC-CM in FusionForge, so some tests fail, but I don’t bother too much as this is “normal”, and all we’re caring for at the moment is mainly non-regression. There seemed to be no way to exclude some of the tests from the suite for the moment, but fortunately, that doesn’t matter, since the way I have integrated both test suites happens to allow the verification of only success on some of the tests.

So, the way they are integrated is through execution of the JUnit suite during one of the test cases of the Selenium suite (using a system( ) PHP call), which generates an HTML report (using the Maven SureFire reports plugin), which can then be viewed in the Web pages of the tested forge, so that Selenium + PHPUnit assertions can verify the content of the test report.

This is a bit hackish, but all in all suites our needs so far. Next step is to see if it works in other people’s test environments, including the automated executions in Hudson.

Report about the forges track held under the Session ‘Development’ at the RMLL 2010 (3/4)

This is the third part of the report from the recent RMLL/LSM 2010 “Development” technical track (see links to previous parts at the bottom of this post)

This part deals with the forges afternoon that took place on the 7th, co-authored with my colleague Madhumita Dhar (who’s also working on the COCLICO project).
Continue reading “Report about the forges track held under the Session ‘Development’ at the RMLL 2010 (3/4)”

Repost of “Open Source OSLC-CM implementations in PHP”

Reposting from : Open Source OSLC-CM implementations in PHP posted on Helios project’s blog at :

Steve Speicher at IBM/Rational has blogged about OSLC reference implementations and test suites.

He’s been kind to link to our implementation, which uses Zend framework in PHP, and will provide an Open Source OSLC-CM V1 server component for the Open Source Mantis bugtracker (and later for FusionForge trackers too).

I hope people can learn how OSLC-CM V1 works, by testing with a Mantis 1.2 installation plus our server add-on, and by looking at our server’s code (and maybe, then decide to use it in production too, of course).

More at

Forges meeting report (COCLICO + fusionforge + codendi + others)

I’ve just returned from a 2 days public meeting (plus 1 COCLICO internal meeting) held in Issy-Les-Moulineaux at Orange R&D about forges.

The meeting was organised by the COCLICO partners and welcomed the first FusionForge meeting, as well as other interested forges developers and users from Codendi, novaforge, nforge, sourcesup, etc.

The generic content was a mix of informal discussions, and technical presentations (and debates) in order to try and improve collaboration and interoperability among these forges. A proposal that has emerged from the discussions is to try and use more than today the PlanetForge RSS agregator and wiki (and lists), as an open community gathering people from various forges, in order to improve shared knowledge, inform of ongoing developments and more generally favour collaboration of tools.

On FusionForge side, there were many more precise discussions on topics like roadmap, organization, release, quality process, governance, marketing, contributions, packaging, etc.

There will probably be more detailed reports, but I should express my thanks to all those who came (sometimes from abroad, like Korea and Germany) to make this a very fruitful meeting.

We intend to held such meetings every now and then, and maybe at the beginning of the summer, still under the umbrella of the COCLICO project, but probably organized more around

I hope this will have a positive impact on the dynamics and collaboration between projects, and on the global forges ecosystem in the future. See you next time.