How to teach using org-mode for fun and profit

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This is a demo document about the codename org-teaching framework.

  • You're viewing a reveal.js Web slides deck. You may press 's' to view presenter notes.

You'll find the source code at Gitlab :

I mention codename org-teaching because it really hasn't yet a proper name, and may never have. This is far from a full fledged product.

1.1 Org-mode powa

This framework heavily relies on org-mode (version 9 at the time of writing) and the org-reveal exporter for reveal.js.

2 About this slides deck

These slides are one variant of the same teaching material, also available as a handbook.

You may prefer to view them in your Web browser in full-screen (F11 for instance). Should Reveal-JS fail on displaying slides, an alternate format would be the printed PDF (but you're gonna lose the ability to display speaker notes).

This section is displayed only in the slides variant, but not in the handbook variant, which contains, in turn, a section that is different.

3 About this handbook

This PDF handbook is one variant of the same teaching material, also available as a slides deck. Note that the layout is formatted as a portrait handbook, including speaker notes.

This section may contain content that is best viewed in (LaTeX) PDF export of org-mode.

4 Features

4.1 Writing teaching material in org-mode

The goal is to be able to edit a single file (namely which will contain, in a single source, all the content of a lesson, written with org-mode syntax.

From this single source, several documents are generated :

  • slides (as a dynamic Web document) for overhead presentation
  • a handbook that contains the same information (or more) and can be handed to the students for work outside the classroom (a PDF file)
  • another handbook for the teaching team, to provide additional instructions (also a PDF file)

The handbook LaTeX formatting has a summarized content table and nice looking (in principle) title page. Customize at will

The teachers handbook contains a less nice-looking format, includes a detailed table of contents, and has a watermark. Again, customize at will and submit improvements.

4.2 org-reveal slides

Pretty much all features of reveal.js supported by the org-mode reveal.js exporter org-reveal, should be supported too.

An example org-reveal document is available here for inspiration (it's the export of org-reveal's, actually).

If you're already familiar with reveal.js, you may have noticed that the current settings adopted for our slides generation are quite frugal: no fancy 3D effects and likes.

It's a matter of taste : I didn't want to show off, and prefer to give students a clear content on the projector behind me.

4.3 Structure of the sections / slides

I'm using the 3 levels of outlining / sectioning so that the content can be sectioned in the same way in and appear appropriately in the slides and handbook, with these principles:

  1. First level outlines define main sections of the document.
  2. Second level outlines are the main "horizontal" slides that will be played with page up/down
  3. Third level outlines may be used for additional content ("vertical" slides) that may be skipped for the presentation, but is still accessible with cursor keys.

The first level outlines can be rendered as a "separating" slides which may get a different reveal_background and class="center" slide layout, but that isn't automatic. See Section separators.

4.4 Presenter notes / content for the handbook

org-reveal's Speaker notes may be added to the slides (and will only appear on dual-screen presentation after having pressed 's': standard reveal.js feature).

They will be masked for the audience, but will, by default appear in the handbook given to the students.

This is a note

4.5 Masking content for some audiences

I've implemented some easy ways to preserve some of the content of the same source for certain outputs (using org exporter's standard EXCLUDE_TAGS):

Slides only material
that won't be embedded in the handbook : surprise stuff for live audience, or HTML-only hacks;
Teachers only material
secret knowledge that only adults need to know (for instance), which won't be exported;
Handbook only material
stuff that only fits in the handbook, and/or only exports as LaTeX and not HTML.

The choice to reveal or not some details to the students is quite arbitrary and depends on your pedagogical approach. I'm not advisable in this matter. YMMV.

4.6 Stuff only meant for presentation

Tagging a section/slide with :slidesonly: means it isn't exported in the handbooks.

Below is an example (or not)…

4.6.1 Regular slide (no tag on heading line)

There should be no "Only in the slides" after this section, in the handbooks, as it has been tagged with slidesonly.

4.6.2 Only in the slides

On the contrary, in the slides view, this appears, as there's a :slidesonly: tag on the current head line.

4.7 Stuff only meant for teachers

Tagging a section/slide with :teachersonly: means it isn't exported in the students handbook (nor in the slides).

Below is an example…

4.7.1 Regular slide (no tag on heading line)

There should be no "Only for teachers" after this section, in the slides or in the students handbook, as it has been tagged with teachersonly.

4.7.2 Only for teachers

On the contrary this appears in the teachers handbook, as there's a :teachersonly: tag on the current head line.

4.8 Notes only for the teachers

This slide/section contains notes, but only part of it is displayed in the presentation notes included in the handbook. Special notes and are kept only for the teachers handbook.

We use an org-mode drawer for that (additional benefit is that the content is folded by default in emacs, as it may be verbose and/or "sensitive") :

This part of the note can be viewed by the students in the handbook.

Not this one

This part of the note can be viewed by the students in the handbook, but not the rest.

but this part is only for the teachers.

You naughty ;-)

4.9 Stuff only in the handbooks

Just like sections are for slides only, others can be for the handbook only, using the handbookonly tag. This may be useful for Annex sections for instance, or for stuff that the HTML exporter won't like, with inline LaTeX.

4.10 Code colorization

Code is colorized / highlighted in the slides :-)

Nice when like me, you're teaching Computer Science stuff

4.11 Misc org-mode

4.11.1 Babel powa

As you're using org-mode, its babel components are available, to embed source code in the same source, and manage executable code and teaching material at once.

Look for literate programing instructions in the org-mode docs to know more.

4.12 Missing features ?

Please try and talk to me to suggest new stuff and/or provide patches ;)

See the teacher's handbook for some ideas

  • a way to manage graphics alongside the slides/handbook source… not yet found a perfect solution, unless for plantuml with babel or likes (tikz…).
  • some breadcrumb or recap feature / template to help give a sense of the progression in the slides : only the progress bar isn't enough and doesn't help giving the audience some kind of scaffolding to hang on, for long presentations.

5 HowTo

5.1 Use Emacs

There's no production chain, makefiles or other authoring tools.

No new Elisp either.

You're welcome to suggest improvements. But I'm not an Elisp hacker, so I may not be able to maintain them. At the moment, the intent is to rely on the original org-reveal only, as much as possible.

5.2 Modify only the

Only one file should be edited for writing the lesson's material :

Only exception is modification of some configurations for title pages and other bits that shouldn't change much in time (see next section).

5.3 Configuration

Each needs some configuration :

  • Configure org-reveal-title-slide in
  • Configure header (\lhead{...} and \rhead{...}) and footer (\lfoot{...} and \rfoot{...}) elements in the headers like #+LaTeX_HEADER: \rhead{...} in and

These may be better handled, but some limitations of the exporters or my lack of knowledge/time have prevented a better result so far. Improvements much welcome.

5.4 Generating final documents

We're using the standard exporters so each output format will be exported from its corresponding umbrella .org source :

open, then C-c C-e R ... for org-reveal export (to slides.html), provided that you have loaded org-reveal in Emacs
open, then C-c C-e l ... for LaTeX export (to handbook.pdf)
teacher handbook
open, then C-c C-e l ... for LaTeX export (to teacher-handbook.pdf)

5.4.1 Exporting slides to HTML with org-reveal

Depending on how you installed org-reveal (Git submodules or otherwise), org-reveal may already be available.

If not yet, load it with M-x load-file from the location of its Git submodule (elisp/org-reveal/ox-reveal.el by default).

I'm not sure which solution is better : org-reveal from Git (hence the Git submodule) or from an Emacs package. Please report.

5.4.2 Printing slides

I've tested DeckTape using a Docker container containing PhantomJS and decktape to convert the slides to a single PDF document.

See the provided script that runs the container, bind-mounting the working dir into the container, so that input and output files can be found.

Note that I used a rebuilt Docker image, reusing the DeckTape Dockerfile, rebuilding with something alongside:

docker build -t obergixlocal/decktape .

5.5 Known Issues

5.5.1 Firefox issues ?

We have experienced issues with presentations made on some versions of Firefox, which are known by reveal.js maintainer… maybe best viewed in chrome.

You may prefer to have a PDF variant of the slides (see Printing slides) in case.

6 How it works / Installation

6.1 Use the source Luke

See the contents of the files… but be wary that it's sometimes messy and incrementally obtained.

Emacs is your buddy.

Git clone from (see the Gitlab project)

6.2 Git submodules

The repository contains Git submodules for :

  • reveal.js
  • org-reveal

So :

git submodule init
git submodule update

You may prefer to install them another way (ELPA repo, CDN, etc.)

Refer to org-reveal's documentation for more details.

6.3 Slides appearance

6.3.1 Reveal.js settings

See the org-reveal settings set in the sources and the docs for a detailed explanation.

I'm using the following for a "frugal" look close to what powerpoint or beamer (?) could look like :

#+REVEAL_THEME: simple
#+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: ./presentation.css
#+REVEAL_ROOT: ./reveal.js

#+OPTIONS: reveal_center:nil

6.3.2 Section separators

The highest level sections include the following properties below the heading line, to customize the look of the slide.

:REVEAL_EXTRA_ATTR: class="center"
:reveal_background: #dbdbed

This is intended to provide some visual sense of the transitions between sections. Please adapt and report.

6.3.3 Title screen picture (logos, etc.)

I'm not yet sure how much may be achieved with HTML and CSS for the title page of the slides deck, so I've relied on the embedding of a background image that will contain the logos and additional graphics.

#+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND: ./media/title-slide-background.png

I'm quite sure this could be improved.

7 Annex

7.1 Thanks

  • All contributors to org-mode (special kudos to Carsten Dominik and Bastien Guerry)
  • Yujie Wen for org-reveal
  • Hakim El Hattab for reveal.js
  • My colleagues at Telecom SudParis who had to teach with this tool without much rehersal
  • Our students who endured it for a brand new course (and included bugs)

7.2 Feedback

I may be contacted from my Web page or via the Gitlab project.

7.3 Usage reports

7.3.1 2016 at Telecom SudParis

Created and used for the first time for teaching "Web Architecture and Applications" in the CSC4101 module at Telecom SudParis (Olivier Berger and colleagues)

Date: 2017-05-18

Author: Olivier Berger

Created: 2017-05-18 jeu. 16:47
